Here's how I got my last 5 clients—will it work for you?

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I've been writing online since 2019 and freelancing since October 2022. Before I "got serious" about it, I was doing a lot of one-off projects, but considered it more of a side-gig.

In 2022 I started "writing for work," and began working less at my day job.

Now I am part-time at my day job, working two 10 hour days (Mondays and Tuesdays).

I don't know about you, but I love hearing how other people attract clients, manage their workload, and run their freelance businesses.

So I thought I'd share a little more info about how I got my last 5 clients.

Starglow Media

Work: Weekly parenting/family newsletter - ideation, link curation, and 3 blogs per week

Story: I had a coffee chat with a writer I met on LinkedIn. She mentioned she her summer maternity leave, and that her client may need someone to fill in.

We kept in contact and when the time came, I met with the client, discussed the work, and we both agreed I'd be a good fit to help out.

Sober Powered Media

Work: Monthly content strategy + content

Story: I met the founder of Sober Powered, Gill, on Instagram. We were both creating content in the sober space and became friends. Now, we talk daily, and I even flew to Boston in 2023 to visit her!

We meet monthly to plan content for Sober Powered's newsletter and Instagram, and I help create some of that content.


Work: Monthly women's health articles - two articles per month

Story: The co-founder of Rescripted reached out to me on LinkedIn to let me know they were looking for new writers. She also mentioned that my "impressive profile," was why she reached out. Yep, it was that simple!

Social Media Client 1

Work: Social media engagement - 4 days per week / 30 minutes per day

Story: I connected with this client through sober Instagram. We reconnected over LinkedIn and they mentioned how much they loved my content. I DM'd to say I could help if they ever needed.

After a phone call I started doing their LinkedIn engagement. We switched to Instagram engagement for their personal page and then business page.

I'm no longer doing this work but it was a good experience and brought me some connections to other potential clients.

Social Media Client 2

Work: LinkedIn consulting and profile optimization + 5 LinkedIn posts

Story: This was a one-off project and with another client I met through sober Instagram years ago. They wanted to get LinkedIn cleaned up and start being active there. We did a Zoom to discuss what their profile needed, and other ways I can help.

I provided a rate for the profile optimization + 10 posts, and adjusted the rate when they decided on 5 posts.


The moral of the story? There's way more than one way to get a client.

My best advice is to keep putting yourself out there and do regular marketing activities like: networking, posting on social media, join and participating in groups, apply for gigs, etc.

Good luck!

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A very interesting article about cheese 🧀

Did you know the average American consumes 42 pounds of cheese...per year!? Me neither. More on Americans and their cheese here: What type of cheese do Americans love the most?

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Rochester, Minnesota
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