Turn your loyal followers into paying clients (+ a DM template)

Social media can be a good thing and a bad thing.

The trick? Use it to your advantage.πŸ’‘

From the 200+ responses on my LinkedIn poll, 72% said they've landed clients through LinkedIn.

Okay, but how?

Social media can totally feel like you're shouting into the void.

Sometimes, that's how writing this newsletter feels.

But I still do it, and I'm thankful to you for reading it. 😊

Alright, back to social media...your followers can become your dream clients!

It's not magic, it's strategy.

Here are some steps you can take TODAY:

Showcase Your Expertise

Share your "behind-the-scenes." People love a sneak peek. Show them your process, your workspace, and even your struggles. It makes you relatable and shows the value you bring.

Post your client testimonials. Got happy clients? Shout it from the rooftops! Share their testimonials and success stories (with their permission). Social proof is SO powerful.

Want 1000+ freelancer eyeballs on your business or product? πŸ‘€


Engage, Engage, Engage

Respond to comments. Don't just post and ghost. Reply to comments, ask questions, and spark conversations. This builds relationships.

Host a Q&A. Let your followers pick your brain. This will position you as an expert and give you insights into what they need.

Run a contest. I don't see this strategy very often, but who doesn't love free stuff? A simple contest can attract new followers and excite existing ones.

Create Targeted Content

Identify your ideal client. What are their pain points? What solutions do you offer? Tailor your content to address their specific needs.

Use relevant keywords. Don't treat LinkedIn like a journal. Use keywords that make sense to your target audience.

Provide value and be helpful. LinkedIn pushes educational and informational content. Talk about something you learned that could help someone else.

Collaborate with others. Partner with others in your industry on posts or events to reach a wider audience.

Direct Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Don't be shy - Encourage followers to book a discovery call, check out your services, or grab your lead magnet. Be clear and specific about what you want them to do.


Use this template to DM someone who's looking for help:


Hi [Client Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I'm a freelance [Your Specialty - writer, designer, developer, etc.]. I saw you were looking for help at/with [Client's Company/Project].
[Make this part about THEM. What do you love about the company? Say something that shows you did your homework, but keep it short.]

[Specific detail about their work that aligns with your skills] reminded me of a similar project I did for [Past Client], where I [Key result of your past project]. I'd love to hear more about [Project they need help with].

Here's a link to my portfolio: [Portfolio link].

[Add other relevant links here]

[and here, etc.]

Talk soon,

[Your Name]


Remember, building relationships takes time. Be consistent, be authentic, and provide value. Your followers will notice, and the clients will follow.

A very interesting article about cheese πŸ§€

Although I don't eat hamburgers (food sensitivity is dumb), we love grilling this time of year. If you do too, here's a good one from Food & Wine: 10 Cheeses for Melty, Gooey Burgers. Enjoy!

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Until next time, find me on LinkedIn.

Rochester, Minnesota
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Hey Freelancer!

Freelancing has its perks, right? Freedom, flexibilityβ€”and that pants-optional dress code. πŸ˜‰ Buuut what about the brutal feast-or-famine client cycle and the constant feeling that everyone else is crushing it while you're just trying to keep up. Sound familiar? Add your name to the list if you're into real-life advice and oh-so relatable experiences. 'Cause freelancing can be hard, but it doesn't have to be!

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