🤑 Why 6-figures is the WRONG goal for freelancers

I know you've seen those social posts...

"I made six figures last year. Here's how you can too!"

"Become a six-figure freelancer in 6 easy steps!"

"Ditch 6 figures and make 7 instead like me!"

I detect...clickbait! (Yes, we all might be a little guilty of this)

Listen, I'm all for setting big goals, but I'm also all for being realistic.

For most freelancers, six figures is a misleading goal, especially when you're just starting out.

The truth?

Freelancing is HARD. Building a six-figure business can take years of consistent effort, smart decisions, being in the right place at the right time, and knowing the right people.

Six figures might not be the end. Experienced freelancers often realize they want (and need) more than six figures. So why limit your business?

It's distracting. Obsessing over that number removes your focus from the day-to-day things that matter—like delivering great work and building relationships.

Want 1000+ freelancer eyeballs on your business or product? 👀

So, what should you focus on instead?

A profitable rate - Stop undercharging. Calculate your ideal hourly rate or project fee based on your skills, experience, and living expenses.

👉🏻 Use a free online calculator or talk to other freelancers to get a ballpark idea.

Client relationships - Nurture your existing clients. Happy clients lead to repeat business and referrals—my personal favorite way to get new clients.

👉🏻 Send a quick "thank you" note to a recent client or offer them a small bonus on another project.

Your skills - Never stop learning. Invest in courses, workshops, or conferences to level-up your skills and become a valuable freelancer in your industry.

👉🏻 Look for free webinars or tutorials on your area of expertise, or set aside a small budget for paid learning resources.

Personal fulfillment - What do you want out of your freelance career? More flexibility? Creative freedom? A chance to make a difference? Remember your " why, " and make sure your goals align with your values.

👉🏻 Write down your top three reasons for freelancing and refer to them whenever you need a reminder.

Remember, becoming a "successful full-time freelancer" might take a while. Focus on building a sustainable, fulfilling career that works for your life—not on some arbitrary number.

A very interesting article about cheese 🧀

Now this is someone we should be listening to: I Eat 144 Pounds of Cheese a Year, and These Are the 8 Tools I Swear By

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Until next time, find me on LinkedIn.

Rochester, Minnesota
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Hey Freelancer!

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